Impeachment, SOTU, Acquittal, and playground behavior.

Juan C. Mendoza
4 min readFeb 7, 2020

Disclaimer: This is opinion only stating my views of how our Nation is so incredibly flawed and concurrently well-run.

I watched the mostly one-sided impeachment hearings with Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Jerry Nadler stack the deck in an all but guaranteed passing of impeachment articles for the Senate. Then Speaker Pelosi held on to the articles for as long as she could in her political standoff with Sen. Mitch McConnell. It was all political gamesmanship. It was all a televised political soap opera for us masses to drink up the exercise of government in this experiment called The United States of America.

We watched as the “witnesses” were paraded to testify for both House Panels. We watched Chairman’s Schiff and Nadler mute any opposition. The partisan arguments and whining was an absolute theater of the absurd. And after the long hold from Speaker Pelosi’s sending the articles to the Senate, we watched an “exercise of acquittal” in the Senate. Everyone did their job. The House Managers, the Trump Impeachment Team, 100 Senators and a Chief Justice… all did their job. And we knew, even with Sen. Mitt Romney’s flawed act of defiance, Pres. Trump would be acquitted. But that would not happen until after the State of the Union address.

Then came the State of The Union. I would honestly have to say POTUS knocked it out of the park. Agree with me or not, he did. The speech covered his accomplishments, plans and bi-partisan hopes for the future. Like all SOTU speeches from prior year and Administrations, there were statistical inaccuracies. I accept that the numbers used by Presidents to tout their respective success are partially achieved by the efforts of the previous administration. Again, partially. Because one does have to admit, the economy has vastly improved since Pres. Trump’s election. One has to admit, no matter how controversial, Pres. Trump has kept a lot of his campaign promises, (whether you like them or not.)

A few takeaways from the SOTU; The US-Canada-Mexico trade agreement was signed and will greatly help all three economies. The China trade deal was signed with greater benefits toward US trade. However, there’s more to follow on that deal. After all… we are talking about China. The DOW, NASDAQ and S&P are booming. But that is not indicative of US economy, just private industry.

POTUS honored a 13 yr old AZ student for his academic achievements and goals, then he highlighted his grandfather, a former Tuskegee Airman that was promoted that morning to Brigadier General. He then honored a Border Patrol Agent for his achievements on our border. He reunited a Soldier and his family alluding to limiting US military involvement overseas. Then he presented Rush Limbaugh with the Medal of Freedom. Believe me… I didn’t agree with that because it was tantamount to an award for your Cheerleader. But every President has their sycophants, and Rush is Trump’s.

I believe at one point, the President foreshadowed the beginning of a new South America Policy when he honored Juan Guaido as the “…True elected President of Venezuela.” We can only hold on to our seats on what will happen in South America in the next four years. Did you catch that? I said; “…the next four years.” Yes, because I do believe Donald J. Trump will be re-elected. I say this not because I’m a “Trumpster”, I’m in no way a Trump supporter. I didn’t vote for him. But the numbers don’t lie. And those numbers are the economy. As President Clinton is credited with saying; “It’s the economy, stupid.” Because the upward flowing economy is what got him (Clinton) elected and subsequently re-elected.

So now we wait. The impeachment acquittal was no big surprise. The behavior by POTUS (not shaking hands) and Pelosi (ripping the speech) was disrespectful to the offices they hold and to the American people. The behavior by POTUS, i.e. his “victory lap” press conference was insulting and tabloid at best. I’m pretty sure there were people in the White House staff that advised against it. But we really should have expected it, right? After all, it IS Donald J. Trump we’re discussing here.

What do we have to look forward to, hmm? We are for sure going to have a very contentious election. Democrats are already showing the cracks in their campaigns since the flawed Iowa Caucuses. I do believe Trump will be residing in the White House another four years. Congressional elections will see a large turnover. And yes… Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Sandler will push to impeach and criminalize the Presidency again.

In the end… How can I say our nation is well-run? Because we have a free Press. Because that very Press, no matter how skewed, forced Congress to follow the Constitution even when they were screwing it up so badly. Because we have the right to speak and be heard. And because we have an electoral process, that even if only a small percentage uses, we all have the right to voice our disgust. That’s why.

So now… go enjoy your freedom as long as we still have it.

